3 Things I’ve Learned from Hiring 1,000 Sales Professionals

Happy New Year sales leaders! As we begin 2018, I am writing to remind you that in this new year, you have an opportunity to put in place some logical new year’s resolutions related to your sales leadership function. I will propose a few ideas related to recruiting since that is my world and recruiting […]
Retain Top Sales Talent – 7 Challenges Series

To continue our series on the challenges hiring managers face, we are considering how to retain top sales talent once the candidate has accepted an offer and joined the team. If you missed part 4 of the series, we discussed How To Make An Offer. Now that you have your team, it’s essential to make […]
How To Make An Offer – 7 Challenges Series

To continue our series on the challenges hiring managers face, we are considering how to make an offer once you’ve completed the interview process. If you missed part 3 of the series, we discussed Conducting a Successful Interview. Make an offer in an effective and compelling manner Once you’ve made your decision about whom you’d […]
Conducting a Successful Interview – 7 Challenges Series

To continue our series on the challenges hiring managers face, we are considering how to create a successful interview process. We will look at the number of candidates to interview and the types of interview questions to ask. If you missed part 2 of the series, we discussed “Selling the Opportunity and Setting up an […]
Selling The Opportunity And Creating An Effective Interview – 7 Challenges Series

For the second installment of our series “The Seven Biggest Challenges Facing Hiring Managers Today”, we want to look at the challenges hiring managers face in selling the opportunity and setting up an effective interview, after they find a pool of qualified candidates. If you missed part 1 of the series, we discussed “How to […]
How Do You Find Or Source Good Candidates? – 7 Challenge Series

Over the past 20 years that CMI has been in business, we have found that there are seven main areas that present a challenge to hiring managers. What are the best ways to source/find candidates? How do you sell your opportunity (verbally and in print)? What is the ideal number of candidates to interview for […]