There is perhaps no more essential characteristic of government sales success than the quality of the people you hire to connect with your government prospects, as they will be responsible for advancing the sale from contact through close. If your federal sales team is to be successful, salespeople must understand how government buying works and how to best position themselves to capture it effectively.
This means knowing how federal agencies operate as well as the government trends shaping their technological needs. Moreover, the ideal federal salesperson knows how to successfully navigate federal IT budget documents to identify funded opportunities aligned with your business’ technology solutions.
Sales reps need to understand government technology inside and out, which means knowing how to find and verify technology projects, understanding the nuances of government procurement, speaking the distinct language of a government agency, and knowing how to reach key decision-makers at the top of org charts.
Strong Federal IT Networking and Management Skills
Along with specialized experience, having a strong federal network is also essential. A strong federal IT sales team is typically assembled of experienced federal sales executives with networks that extend into the C level of the civilian, intelligence and defense communities.
They must be able to effectively manage the sales cycle, including proactive research (identifying the agencies with budgeted money to spend, on which initiatives, and whether they align with your company’s solutions)
Industry insiders and skilled federal IT sales professionals know how to properly position products and effectively communicate value to government clients. Many tech companies put everything into the development of their product but neglect crafting a simple, powerful, and intriguing position statement that enables value to be clearly communicated to government prospects.
Attracting and Retaining Top Federal IT Sales Talent
Now that you know what you are looking for, the next step is to recruit and retain the talent. As a busy technology organization juggling sales, product development, and investors, finding time to fill an open position can be a challenge and in some cases, a full-time job itself. The right hire can take your business to the next level, while the wrong hire can stall or even hinder progress.
If you’re short on time or don’t have the expertise or network to locate and attract the talent you need to build your federal technology sales team, the recruiters at Career Management Inc can help. Our recruiters work as an extension of your business to find optimal candidates who are a match in terms of corporate culture, soft and hard skills.
Our three-part interviewing and screening process allows us to accurately identify the skill set and personality of every candidate so that we deliver only those candidates who possess the skills and qualities your business needs. We take into account everything from performance consistency and quality of work to professional integrity and creativity levels.
Whether you’re in need of your very first federal sales rep or a director of government business development, CMI will tailor our services towards your needs. With our help, you can maximize the ROI of your new hire and build a highly effective federal sales team to drive business forward.