Trouble Getting Attention? Send a Short Video!

A smart way to stand out from the competition and make a good impression. Gone are the days when an impressive resume or a compelling email is enough for companies to notice you. With a highly competitive workforce, people are looking for different ways to stand out and be noticed. A new way for opportunity […]

How to Navigate Income Fluctuations in Your Sales Career

If you want a long lasting career in sales, please pay attention.   Sales can be an exhilarating career path, especially for those in the early stages, but there’s a crucial aspect that often doesn’t get enough attention: income fluctuations. If you’re within the first five to ten years of your sales journey, understanding this […]

Your Path to Tech Sales: A Guide for Career Changers

Breaking into sales demands an approach tailored to your experience level.   Are you considering a shift into sales, especially in the tech industry, but unsure where to start? Whether you’re fresh out of college or transitioning from a long-standing career, breaking into sales requires strategic planning tailored to your experience level. Let’s dive into […]

Job market update: Q2 2024

If you’re looking for new opportunities, be sure to keep checking LinkedIn.   In the dynamic area of technology sales, understanding the pulse of the job market is crucial for professionals aiming to stay ahead of trends and opportunities. One valuable tool for insight is LinkedIn, which provides a window into employment dynamics, especially within […]

From Familiar Paths to New Horizons: Career Transition Tips

Discover key strategies to make challenging career transitions smoother.   As the spring season breathes new life into our surroundings, many of us are considering fresh starts and new challenges in our careers. For those eyeing a significant shift in their professional paths, such as moving from one industry to another or stepping into leadership […]

Top 5 Reasons for No Response When Applying To a Job

Top 5 reasons for lack of response to job applications.   In the rapidly evolving tech sales job market, standing out to potential employers can be challenging. If you’re a technology-related sales professional who’s sent out countless resumes or applied to numerous positions online without getting a response, you’re not alone. Here are five common […]